Large Renaissance Bass Lute

94cm, 7-10 courses; after Michielle Harton 1602 (Nürnberg No. MI 44) A huge bass lute with 35 ribs; the original is in heartwood yew with maple strips between. Neck and pegbox veneered in ebony, ebony and ivory heart in the soundboard. For tuning in C or, as Piccinini remarks, these large bass lutes can be tuned with re-entrant chitarrone tuning in G or A.

This is a fairly exact copy of the original and is shown alongside a normal renaissance G lute (No. 8 by VVendelio Venere) to give you some idea of its size!

Price: £5300
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Large Renaissance Bass Lute Large Renaissance Bass Lute
Copyright 2000-13 by David Van Edwards